Income generated by real estate in Phuket

It is difficult to imagine a person in the modern world for whom the word "investment" is an empty sound. The truth is that investments now are not just about investing capital to increase it. Investments are at least about preserving[...]

Navigating the Transaction Process: Key Stages, Payment Timelines, Essential Documentation, and Tax Considerations

Pristine white beaches, the alluring Andaman Sea breeze, a myriad of breathtaking sunsets, fresh and affordable fruits, delectable seafood, the warmth of local smiles, and an atmosphere of tranquility and stability all contribute to[...]

The process of buying real estate remotely in Phuket

During the COVID-19 pandemic, closed borders made it impossible to travel to Phuket. Consequently, the world was compelled to adapt to a remote format across various aspects of life, including work, delivery of goods and products, and[...]

Installment Plans and Mortgages in Thailand

The Kingdom of Thailand and the island of Phuket continue to attract investors from all over the world with their progressive economic policies, while the incredible nature, climate, and hospitality of the local residents serve as the[...]

How to sell your property in Phuket?

When someone purchases real estate, it's natural to wonder how to sell it in the future if the need arises. Selling property in your own country requires careful preparation, and selling a condo or villa in Phuket is no exception. In this[...]